Are you living with dementia?

Receiving a new diagnosis of dementia can feel like a significant challenge—one that affects your confidence and self-esteem. But you’re not alone—I’m here to help. Let’s explore how:

Regaining Confidence

  • Together, we can work on strategies to boost your confidence. Whether it’s adapting your routines, enhancing your environment, or finding new hobbies.
  • Let’s focus on what you can still do and celebrate those achievements.

Memory Strategies and Support

  • We’ll explore memory strategies, reduce anxiety, and enhance your daily life. Everything I share is evidence-based and has worked for others in your situation.
  • Community-based memory groups provide education and practical tools to compensate for memory difficulties.


  • Join group or individual sessions where we discuss health promotion, stress management, and overall well-being.
  • You’ll learn practical techniques to self-manage and thrive, whether you’re at home or in a care setting.

Life Enrichment

  • Let’s create life story work, personalized music playlists, and bucket lists. These enriching activities enhance your quality of life. Check out the Life Story Snippets by clicking here

Remember, you’re more than your diagnosis. You’re resilient, with stories to tell and moments to cherish. Reach out whenever you need guidance—I’m here to support you. To get in touch click here or visit the get in touch page.