Life Story Snippets

Sharing your story is one of the most important and life affirming things you can do. Have a listen to some of the wonderful stories kindly shared with me by people living with dementia. For each of these I created a keepsake transcript with photos.

If you would like your story captured please get in touch via the contact page or click here. This could be a lovely family activity or really uplifting for a group of care home residents.

Shirley shares her story of training as a nurse in Brighton and her nursing career.

John is an amazingly skilled carpenter. He talks about some of the interesting restoration work he’s been involved in.

Tony shares memories of Liverpool, London and Brighton.

Young to Old by Derek Dove. Thank you to Derek’s son Gary for kindly reading his Dad’s story.

In this episode I talk to Ray and his wife Jo about Ray’s illustrious photography career. They kindly shared some of Ray’s work and some wonderful stories.